Touring Artists

Go big or go broke! From Palermo to London

(at least this was the plan...)

Hi! If you're landing on this page, then we probably met somewhere along the way, handed you a business card, or maybe you stumbled across us while browsing the internet. 

We are two fucked up professional artists who currently have two big goals: turning our lives around and sharing our art with you. Let's go! 

Welcome to our crazy journey!

Are 5000 km of street art enough to make the big breakthrough and become world-famous stars? 

Don't know! Before we could find out, our bank account was emptied, our money was gone and we had to cancel the tour. 

Now we'll have to start again from scratch...

The "Touring Artists"


Meet Ms. Italia & Mr. Rockalicious - the future of Rock'n'Show.

All about the next big thing on:


blu12 plays his own music for oceanlovers - preferably on his mobile stage, the “Endless Sunset Stage”. Take a listen:


artista aka Maria Chiariello helps you with all things relevant to artists, advises and gives impulses. Feel free to browse her blog:

Samba 🐺

The craziest backstage dog who definitely shouldn't be missing here. Feel free to follow our crazy furry friend on Instagram:  @samba.backstagedog

PS: She is a regular special guest on Patreon. 😉

How fucked up we are

on a scale from 1-10 100%

23.12.23: Here we come! - 31.12.23: Yay, Italy! - 01.02.24: Fuuuuuuck! - to be continued

Follow our crazy trip

last tourstops

€ Support our tour €

(like Netflix, only cooler!) 

(No mon no fun!) 

Thanks, you rock! 🤘


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